By now your summer flowers are probably beginning to fade. Are you looking to add a little color to your garden for the fall season? Of course mums and asters (pictured above) are obvious choices. But there are more. Here's a few to think about.
Cimifuga is a late blooming perennial with fern like foilage that is ideal for a shade garden.
The Japanese anemone has pretty pink or white flowers. It prefers light shade.
Golden Rod has tiny yellow flowers. It prefers full sun.

Sedum grows in clumps. It's flowers are shades of red and pink.

Black eyed Susan is a pretty daisy-like flower that is ideal for full sun.
Of course you can also use ornamental grasses and shrubs for contrast with your flowers. As you can see, just because the long, warm days of summer are over, it doesn't have to mean that your gardens have to stop looking pretty.