
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Another award landed at my pad (actually it arrived at both of my blogs, from two different people). Thank you to Peaches Ledwidge, at Conceive Writing, who nominated Mama Diaries, and thank you to Joanne Faries, at Word Splash, who nominated Gone Gardening. Be sure to visit both of these lovely liebster ladies.

What is the Liebster Blog Award?

“The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers.

The Meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.”

When Peaches gave me this award, it didn't come with eleven questions. Joanne's version did. If you get this award, you can choose if you want to do the questions or not. If you do them, just use the same ones I answered. Then do what I've done - paste the award on your post, link back to who sent it, answer the questions, and nominate 5 more liebster bloggers (preferably ones with less than 200 followers).

Here are the 11 questions:

1. Who is your favorite author? This is a tough one, because there are so many great authors. Since I'm a children's author, I'll name a few of my favorite children authors: Mary Pope Osborn, Jane Yolen, Kate Dicamillo, and Rick Riordan

2. What is your favorite book? Tuesdays with Morray by Mitch Albom. I love this book. It really makes you think about what's important in life!

3. Do you give books as gifts? If so, how do you decide which book to give? I definitely give books as gifts for children. I pick books based on age and interests.

4. Who is your favorite up and coming author? I honestly don't have a favorite, but some of the stuff I've read from fellow bloggers here is pretty awesome. Maybe one of you are an up and coming author!

5. What music do you love? I'm a classical musician, so I'm partial to classical music. But I pretty much listen to anything.

6. What art do you love? Impressionists for painting. Renoir and Monet are my favorites.

7. Coffee or Tea? Tea - the herbal stuff.

8. Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate. No question about it!

9. Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn? Autumn. I love the cool, crisp air and the changing leaves.

10. Beginning or End? End. I like to know what happens in books, and I like to reach the end in my writing.

11. Why do you blog? I like it. I think it's another outlet for creative writing, and I love meeting all the other bloggers. (Plus, someday it will be fun to read Mama Diaries and look back on all the crazy things that happened in this stage of my life.)


1. Design Gourmande

2. Scribbles from Jenn

3. Hallie

4. Bethany Crandell

5. Belle

Please visit these ladies, too!


  1. Congratulations! I'd be hard pressed to answer the coffee or tea question.

    1. Thanks! As far as the coffee/tea question, do you like both or neither? (My guess is both.)

  2. glad you are a Liebster and I was proud to choose you. Always interesting to read answers to questions and learn more about fellow bloggers.

    1. I think it's fun to read other blogger's answers, too.

  3. Congrats! There are a lot of up and coming authors right now so it would be hard to choose.

    1. So true! It must be really hard for agents and publishers to decide who to accept with all of the talent that's out there!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I stopped by and read your answers, too.

  5. I loved 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. I read it years ago though and all I remember is loving it! Thank you so much for the award. I'll answer it on Monday!

  6. I with you on several these. Yay for classical music, but like you I'm a pretty eclectic listener. And I love impressionistic art and music.

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Debussy is my favorite composer. I love playing his piano music!

  7. Ahem. *basks in the awesomeness* Thank you Sherry, and the Academy, for this wonderful award. I wish I were a better game-player, but since I'm not I will likely come up with my own, inappropriate way to respond to this. It will make you laugh though--I promise.

    thank you thank you!

  8. CONGRATS on your award!
