
Friday, September 9, 2016

Smiley Park Children's Garden

Smiley Park Children's Garden, located in Van Wert, Ohio, was opened in 2007, and was created so that children could learn about the gardening process and all that is involved with caring for a garden.

One very nice thing about the garden, is that produce that is grown in it is given to a local food pantry.

Children will really enjoy the butterfly house, which is a colorful green and pink house with window boxes filled with petunias.  The back part of the house is screened in, so that butterflies can fly around inside.

There's another cute garden called Melody's Secret Garden where children can pass though and arched entry way with climbing roses.  There are two weeping Mulberry trees, so kids can see what Mulberry "bushes" actually look like.

Kids will also get a kick out of Roscoe the Rhino who guards the International Garden.

The newest feature is a crooked house.  Kids can have fun playing inside.

The garden is open daily from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM.  Admission is free.

One more thing before I go:  I shared this on my other blog, but if you don't follow me there, you haven't seen it. This is a video of me playing at Dragoncon in Atlanta. I'm the violist on the far left. Thought you'd like to see it.


  1. I bet for those of us without kids, it would be a great place to visit on a school day. (Calling ahead to make sure a school field trip isn't scheduled of course!)

    1. Yes. It probably wouldn't be a lot of fun if there were screaming kids around when you were strolling around the garden.

  2. Firefly - how fun. Performing at Dragon Con is a big deal.

    I grew up on a small farm, but I'm sure there are many kids who've never been exposed to gardening. That park would benefit them.

    1. I think it's good that there are public gardens like this for kids to enjoy.

  3. Hi Sherry - the park sounds fun ... I just hope the kids smile - having seen a kid today with a 'Smile Please' on her T-shirt ... she had the glumest of faces!!

    How wonderful to see you playing at DragonCon ... congratulations on that too .. cheers Hilary

  4. This is one kid who would love that garden. But I do know some real kids too, who would enjoy it!
    I enjoyed the music but not too crazy about the vocalist :-)
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. I think the garden would appeal to anyone young at heart.

  5. It sounds a fun park to visit. I guess it would be so peaceful and lovely just to walk around in it :)

    1. Yes, as long as there weren't screaming kids enjoying it at the same time.

  6. Your posts bring cheer. I love the element violin brings to music - it's beautiful. Thank you for posting your music.

    1. I think the violin, viola, and bass really added to it. The banjo player arranged the music for the combination of instruments you saw.

  7. The free ones are always my favorite, but I'll go to all of them.
