
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tips for Planning a Vegetable Garden

I don't know about you, but I'm ready to start working in a garden.  It's been a long winter!  If you haven't already done so, and you want to grow a vegetable garden, now is the time to begin planning. A while ago, I created a Slideshare presentation on how to grow your own fruits and vegetables.  The following is one of the slides from that presentation.  It offers some tips for how to lay out your garden and plan the placement of your crops.  Happy gardening!


  1. oh, I am so, so ready! bring it on!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My tip - hire someone to do it for you! (Because I am guaranteed to kill anything growing unless it's a weed.)

  4. I love working in the garden.. and each year I try to grow vegetables, with limited success... okay, time to start planning

  5. Hi Sherry. I have a nice big space in the garden which I am tempted to turn into a vegetable plot so this advice is timely!

    1. If you decide to grow vegetables in your space, I wish you much luck with it!

  6. I tell myself every year to start a garden, but I never quite get that far. I do help my neighbor with his every year though.

  7. We had a huge garden when I was growing up, but I've never had any luck doing one of my own. I'd like to try for at least tomatoes this year.

    1. Tomatoes are usually pretty easy. Lettuce is, too.

  8. I love gardens, visiting them particularly, but my "thumbs" are farthest from being "green". Haha. I envy those who can grow them lush, flowering or bearing fruits. That's inherent talent, if you ask me.

  9. I don't have the patience to babysit a garden here in Texas. It's too hot, too windy, to buggy. I have many excuses. But good luck and have fun. Hope your garden flourishes

    1. It's the weeding that annoys me. It's like I pull one out, and three more grow in its place, before I can even turn around.

  10. Hi Sherry - I'd love to have a garden - for some reason I've ended up without one ... and now is the time to start preparing for Spring and all those new veggies ... lovely! Cheers Hilary

    1. Spring is the time to begin planting. This is a good time for lettuce. And it's so easy to grow.

  11. i want to grow luffa!! not sure i live where it's warm enough but i think i'll plant it at my mom's in S GA

    1. Luffa? Even I have no idea what that is. (Can you tell I'm from Ohio?)
