
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ness Botanical Gardens

The Ness Botanical Gardens are located near the English and Welsh border in Merseyside.  The gardens were first begun in 1898 by Arthur Kilpin Bulley, a cotton merchant from Liverpool.  Mr. Bully was very much interested in rare species of plants, and also in introducing plants from abroad to England.  He was particularly interested in Himilayan and Chinese mountains plants.  He sponsored expeditions to collect these plants, thus launching the career of renowned British plant collector, George Forrest.  To this day, Ness Botanical Gardens is known for its collect of rare and unusual species.

In 1948, Mr. Bully's daughter, Lois, gave the gardens to the University of Liverpool.  Most of the gardens are open to the public.  They cover about 50 acres, and feature a rock garden, water garden, herb garden, azalea walk, heather garden, and in indoor conservatory with tropical displays.

The Ness Botanical Gardens are open year-round from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm.  The cost is 6.50  British pounds for adults, and 3.00 British pounds for children.


  1. I'm sure collecting those rare species back then wasn't easy.

  2. looks lovely. Very cool that it was given to a University. I'm sure research continues for botany students. I love indoor conservatories, too

  3. Pretty layout. I wonder what the mounds are for?

    1. They're supposed to look like the Loch Ness monster.

  4. Hi Sherry - Now I know where the epithet "forrestii" comes from! Interesting garden ... the philanthropists opened up many doors for us - and Bulley's love of rhododendrons ... sent Forrest on his way to become one of Britain's most prolific collectors in China ...

    Cheers Hilary
