
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Alaska Botanical Gardens


It is time for the A-Z challenge! Last year, I featured gardens from around the world.  This year, the theme is gardens from the United States.  The garden for the letter A is Alaska Botanical Gardens, located in Anchorage, Alaska.  (That's a lot of A's isn't it!)

The gardens, opened in 1993,  cover about 110 acres and contain over 1,000 varieties of plants native to southcentral Alaska.  There's an herb garden, rock garden, and a wildflower walk.  It's a great place to hike with spectacular views of the Chugach Mountain Range.  Nature lovers will enjoy it for bird watching, and occasionally will spot moose and bear.

The gardens are open year round from dawn to dusk.  The cost of admission for adults is $7.00.  For children, admission is $5.00.


  1. Beautiful, simply beautiful! When I first traveled to Alaska my boss asked me why I would want to visit an iceberg. Wish I'd had a picture like this to show him!

    Great subject - new bucket list item, visit all the beautiful Gardens in the US!

  2. A very neat looking place...but, where's all the snow? :)

    1. Ha! These pictures obviously were not taken in the winter months!

  3. Hi Sherry .. they look wonderful and in such an interesting place .. great to see them - cheers Hilary

    1. A little different from the English gardens you are accustomed to!

  4. I would love to visit this garden. I was only in Alaska once, when my plane flight to China had to stop for refueling and REPAIR! Yikes. It meant spending all night in the closed airport, but it was warm and I got to see a pink April sunrise on the surrounding mountains. Truly magnificent.

    1. I'm sure it was a little disconcerting to land under those circumstances, but I'm glad you got to see the beautiful sunrise!

  5. I'll bet they're beautiful too! Always wanted to tour Alaska.

  6. Beautiful - can't wait to see the rest of your garden posts on the A - Z Challenge!

  7. That isn't too expensive, I suppose. I wonder how many people look after this beautiful place.

  8. You're kidding, in Alaska? How wonderful. I guess I have seen too many flying the tundra and dog sled documentaries. Lovely a-z post. Thanks for sharing, Sherry.

  9. Never knew Alaska had a garden. It looks like a beautiful place to visit.

    Cynthia from The Sock Zone

  10. A botanical garden in Alaska! Who'd have thought it?! I love your garden photos. Are you on Pinterest? I'd love to pin some of your garden pix on my Exploring Gardens board.
