
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lake View Cemetary Gardens

I know, who would think a cemetary would be a good place to look at gardens?  The Lakeview Cemetary, located in Cleveland, Ohio near University Circle, is actually a place filled with lovely flowers (and not just the ones placed on the grave stones).

The site contains over 285 acres of gardens along with an arboretum.  There's a lovely three-acre section known as Daffodil Hill that displays more than 100,000 bulbs.  There's also an arboretum, with labels on the various shrubs and trees.

 If you are a history buff, or you just like meandering around old gravestones, there are a few monuments you might want to find.  The cemetary is the resting place for over 100,000 people, including former President, James A Garfield and his wife, the Rockerfeller family, and Eliot Ness.

The cemetary gates open daily from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM.  Admission is free.

One last thing:  Author, Christine Rains, is having a Childhood Monsters Blogfest to celebrate the debut of her paranormal novella, Fearless.   Check out her site to read about her awesome book.  I'm participating on my other blog, Mama Diaries,  so if you'd like, stop by for a visit.


  1. Who says a cemetery can't be beautiful?

  2. That is one beautiful cemetery. I did hang out at a cemetery once not for visiting anyone but for the tranquility of the place.

    1. There are a lot of beautiful cemetaries around. It's nice to think that our loved one's final resting place is one of peace and tranquility.
