
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Blog Simmering on the Back Burner

I have found it quite a challenge to maintain two blogs and still complete my other writing assignments and projects.  After a lot of thought, I have decided to let this blog "simmer on the back burner."  I'm not going to stop posting, but I am going to cut back.  I'll probably blog here once or twice a week. (At least that's my plan for now.  We'll see how it goes.)

I will however, continue blogging daily (or almost daily) on my other blog, Mama Diaries.  If you'd like, you can come and visit me there.

Sorry if any of you are disappointed with that news.  I hope you understand.


  1. yep...I know where your coming from! takes a life of its own!

    1. I wish there were at least 3 of me! Then I'd be able to do it all.

  2. I certainly understand the challenge df doing both.

    1. Thanks for understanding. I will post at least once a week, and if I can get things in order and not feel like I'm juggling 10 plates in the air, I'll come back to daily posting.

  3. It looks like the two of your are doing well harvesting at this time of year. The weather must be cooperating because the produce really looks healthy and fresh. Those lemons look yummy for some fresh lemonade.Dehradun Flowers

  4. TOTALLY understand!

  5. Why did u choose this blog versus the other? I'll miss this one, but know two blogs are impossible!

    1. This blog is a lot more work. It usually takes me at least 45 minutes to do a post. The other blog is random, and off the top of my head, so I can post in 15 minutes. Plus the other blog is more closely related to my two books.

      But don't worry, I'll still post at least once a week here, and if things get a little less hectic, I'll go back to my usual schedule.

  6. I understand and that shall make the Gone Gardening posts even more special. I'll check out your other blog too. Good luck - keep juggling!

  7. Thank you for letting us know and I am heading to your other blog. --I am impressed how you can keep up with two blogs and other writing so far!
