
Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Make a Succulent Container Garden

All of the hot weather we've been experiencing has made me grateful for the succulents in my garden.  They can handle the heat, and don't need a lot of water.  They also come in a variety of shapes, colors, textures, and sizes.

Succulents are easy to grow in containers.  Here's how to do it:

1.  Choose the succulents you wish to use.  Two to four different types work nicely.  Here are some possibilities:  Hens and chickens, aloe vera, jade plants, and donkey's tail.

2.  Select a container.  Shallow bowls with good drainage work well. I use the same kind that I use for planting my container lettuce garden.

3.  Design your garden.  Do this with the plants still in the pots.  Place them in such a way to create interesting texture and color combinations.

4.  Use cactus potting mix when you're ready to plant them.  You can also use sand and small pebbles around them to create an interesting effect.  I think black river stones look nice, too.

5.  Place in a location that gets a few hours of direct sun, and a good amount of indirect sunlight.  Too much direct sunlight isn't good.  It'll burn the leaves.

6.  Keep the soil moist, but not wet.  In the winter, when the plants are dormant, water less frequently.


  1. Great information, especially using cactus potting mix.

    1. Glad you found it informative. Most people probably don't know about cactus potting mix.

  2. yeah i love these in dish gardens--thanks :)

  3. I love the combination of plants in your picture. The colors are so soothing.

    1. Thanks. There are so many different varieties of succulents, so you can really create some pretty combinations.

  4. I have to apologize as I don't remember if I left a comment here last week because I know I visited ~ too much on the mind I suppose.
    What a delightful post and I simply love the example you use, such beautiful colors!
    Thanks so much for your sweet, sweet comment on my blog too and I'm SO happy to hear everything turned out fine for you!
    Lovely to make a new friend in blogland!

  5. Thanks for sharing this great information. I remember my mom having Hens and Chickens growing in one of the flower beds when I was growing up.
