
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award

I would like to thank Betty Alark for awarding me the Kreativ Blogger Award. Be sure to check out her blogs! First of all, I apologize for the run-on paragraph. My issue with blogger still has not been resolved, but hopefully you will have no problem reading this. According to the rules, I have to list ten little-known things about myself. To spice it up, I'm going to throw in one fake fact. See if you can spot it. I'll let you know what it is at the end. Here we go: 1. When I was a kid, I almost drowned in our swimming pool. Fortunately my dad saw me and pulled me out in time. 2. One night, in Germany, my friend and I stayed out a little too late, and the hotel locked the doors. We had to crawl in through a window. 3. Another time, in Germany, my friend and I were walking through a train tunnel. We thought it was abandoned. Then we heard a rumble. We figured we'd better get out of there. Two minutes later, the train came through. 4. I'm allergic to pine trees. 5. I have visited all fifty states. 6. I have gone SCUBA diving with sharks. 7. I rode a camel in Israel. 8. I wrote music for a movie. 9. I hate the sound of nails scratching against a chalk board. 10. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an opera singer. Now I'm going to pass the award on to six new friends I made through the A-Z blog challenge: 1. Amanda Heitler 2. Misha Gericke 3. Joanne Faries 4. Sherri Lackey 5. Leslie Rose 6. Lynda R. Young If you have a chance, stop by and visit these bloggers. (They're a different bunch from the ones I listed when I won this award on my other blog, Mama Diaries.) Did you guess which fact is false? It's number 5. I have not visited all fifty states, but I intend to do so!


  1. Congrats on your award! My guess was number 5

  2. wow some pretty impressive stuff---i almost drowned in a swimming pool too!

    1. It's a really scary experience! Glad you didn't drown!

  3. thanks so much. I was guessing # 3. I'm home a bit tomorrow and have time to do blog stuff - I shall pick up my award - very kind.

    1. You're welcome for the award. Yes, I really was wandering around in a train tunnel. Pretty stupid - but when you're in your early twenties, you do pretty stupid things!

  4. Thank you so much, Sherry. That's a lovely surprise and I'm honoured you thought of me. Responses coming shortly.

    1. You're welcome. I look forward to reading your post.

  5. CONGRATS on your award!

    1. Thanks. Of course you read all of these on my other blog, so the fake fact was no surprise for you!

  6. Congrats on your award Sherry and you are so gutst, I say you did all those things with a hundred more you didn't have tme to share.

    1. Ha! Nope - haven't visited all fifty states, but I've seen quite a few!

  7. Replies
    1. No, I'm not from Germany, but I have spent a considerable amount of time there. I performed as a soloist on viola for three summers while I was in college.

  8. Yay - you are definitely a Kreativ Blogger. Thank you for passing the honor to me. I love getting lost in the pictures of your gardens. I fell behind on my A to Z visits so I still have some treasures to explore on your posts.

    1. Yes, definitely go back through the April posts and take a look at some of the gardens. (Hopefully blogger will let you see all the pictures. Last time I looked, some weren't uploading.)
