
Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Make a Salad Container Garden

I really enjoy summer salads. It's so nice just to walk out onto my back porch and pick whatever I need. You don't need a lot of space to make one. You can even do it it you live in an apartment and have a little outdoor area. Here's how you make one:
1. First, figure out what kind of vegetables you want to grow for your salad. Lettuce, tomatoes, bell/banana peppers, green onions, carrots, and cucumbers are some ideas. 2. Then figure out how much space you'll need. You can make a container garden a couple of differents ways. You can use multiple containers, or you can use one very big container. 3. If you're using multiple containers, get some of varying heights. I like to use a low,wide bowl-shaped container for the lettuce. Use larger containers for tomatoes and cucumbers. Position your vegetables so that the tallest plants are in the center or back, and scale down from there. This allows your plants to all get enough sunlight. 4. If you're using one big container, make sure it's big enough to fit several plants. 5. Make sure your conatainer has good drainage. It helps to put a layer of small rocks on the bottom before you fill it with potting soil. This allows for better drainage and circulation. 6. Add potting soil 3/4 of the way to the top. 7. Put your tomato plant in first, along the back. Add a cage or trellis so it has someplace to grow upward. 8. Add cucumbers and peppers next to the tomato. Make sure you give them enough space. The cucumber is going to do some rambling, so make sure it can trail off over the container. 9. Add carrots, onions, and herbs. 10. Lettuce should go in the front, since it's the shortest. 11. Water thoroughly!


  1. This is wonderful Sherry! Thanks for all of the small hints as well.

    I worked for an organic farmer for a couple of years and paid close attention to all of the small things he bickered about. Now those things are treasures. We work on raising an edible garden each summer. It's such a pleasure!

    1. There's nothing quite like harvesting your own food.

  2. who knows, i just might try this next year--thanks!

  3. I think a container garden might be the only way we could get anything to grow.

    1. I've had a lot of luck with it. The nice thing is, that you don't have to weed nearly as much!

  4. I LOVE this post. My tomatoes are dead (again) and I so want to have a salad garden. You've inspired me to give it another try.

    1. Good luck! Make sure your tomatoes get plenty of water and sun.

  5. I have raised vegetable gardens in my yard and vegetables in containers on my deck. I haven't done well with lettuce, especially in the middle of the summer.

    BTW, I have an award for you.

    1. I'm sorry - It looks like you aleady have it. I give it to you anyway. :)

    2. Lettuce needs a lot of water and likes shade. You might have to relocate your lettuce to keep it going all summer.

      Thanks for the award!

  6. I like this idea. Looks like it will be very decorative.

    1. I like salad caontainer gardens. They're pretty and practical.
