
Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Plant Onions

  It's March!  Guess what that means for vegetable gardeners?  That's right.  It means it's time to go out and plant your onions.  Onions are started in one of three ways:  from seeds, seedlings, or sets.  Here's how you do it:

1.  If you live in an area that has long summers, you can use seedlings.  Plant them in rows about 3/4 of an inch deep.  When they come up, thin them so that they are about four inches apart.

2. If you're going to use seedlings, plant them four inches apart.  Bury just the bottom root section - not the green stuff.

3.  Planting from sets is probably the most popular way to grow onions.  Plant them in rows 4-6 inches apart.  Dig a small hole to fit the bottom part of the bulb.  If you just press them in, they might pop out when they begin to grow.  Leave the neck part of the bulb above the soil line.

4.  Plant in full sun and good soil.  Make sure they get regular water.  When you plant them, the ground should be moist, but not super-saturated.  (Here in Cincinnati, it's been raining a lot, so I'm going to have to wait for the ground to dry out a little before I plant mine.)

5. As far as varieties go, some work better for northern climates, and some work better for southern.  Pick which is best for your area.  Note:  Yellow onions can be stored the longest.


  1. I grow red, white, and yellow. I plant bulbs and have always completely covered them.
    Learned something new today.:)

  2. What a beautiful and informative blog. My husband and I own a farm that has been in our family for 120 years. We are active farmers! Thanks for visiting me today and I will be cheering you on in April.

  3. Oh you have absolutely got to turn off your word verification for the A-Z or no one will comment. Was mine off when you visited me?

    1. Your blog is fine. I think I turned word verification off on my other blog, but I'll have to change this one. Thanks for telling me about it!

  4. Thanks for visiting me today and wishing me happy B.D. Did you have to go to comment verification. I am trying to see is it disabled.

    1. Hi Debra, Your comment verification is disabled. I think I disabled mine. Was I successful?

  5. I hopped over here from the A-Z Challenge. Very informative blog! I love gardening, and I'm doing my first vegetables this year. I'm looking forward to your April posts!
