
Friday, February 3, 2012

How to Naturalize Bulbs in a Lawn

Isn't it pretty to see spring flowers come up after months of snow and cold weather?  You can add to the spring color by naturalizing bulbs into your lawn.  Here's how you do it: 

1. Figure out where you would like to see your flowers come up.  Usually they look best under deciduous trees or at the edge of lawns.

2. Decide what flowers you want to use.  Small bulbs, like the crocuses pictured above naturalize best in lawns.  Grape hyacinths also work well.  Everyone likes daffodils, but unless you  don't want to cut your grass for a long time and look at yellowing leaves, they're probably not the best option.  Save them for wooded areas, or places where grass doesn't grow.

3.  Once you've figured out where, and what kind of bulbs you're going to use, grab a handful of bulbs and toss them onto your lawn.  This should be done in early fall.  Plant them where they land for a natural look.  Be sure to leave a few inches between them to allow for naturalizing.

4.  Cut out a flap of grass and peel back.  Plant the bulb about four times as deep as the bulb is wide.  Plant the pointed side up.  Then refill with the soil.

5.  Place the grass back and water well.  The grass will be fine in the spring, and the plants will come right through it.
grape hyacinths
6. Don't mow the lawn until the plants finish flowering and their leaves shrivel up and turn yellow.

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